• 大阪ハニー大阪ハニー
  • アンドハニーアンドハニー
  • フィナンシェアンドハニーフィナンシェアンドハニー


今回は、わつか市では初お目見えの「フレーバーハニー ナッツ」が登場します。



We are introducing a new flavor at this year’s Watsuka Market, which is making its debut in Watsuka City. “Flavor Honey Nuts” will be available, along with our beloved and popular “Honey Lemon Cake” in abundance.

We also have freshly harvested honey available, so when you are in the area, please make sure to visit Watsuka Market held within the premises of Shitennoji Temple. Look for our booth, “Umekita Bee Project,” located near the West Gate, marked by yellow flags. We eagerly await your visit with full enthusiasm!


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ボランティア活動への参加希望、その他プロジェクトへのご質問は、お問合せフォームよりお願いします。 ☞https://u-mitsubachi.com/contact/


We, the non-profit organization Umekita Bee Project, will continue our activities in urban beekeeping to contribute to the natural environment and food education. We kindly ask for your ongoing support.

If you are interested in participating in our volunteer activities or have any questions regarding our project, please contact us through the inquiry form.



\ ミツバチたちからのお裾分け、ハチミツにはコチラで出会えます /
* 通販サイト  ☞  大阪ハニー
* イベント出店 ☞ 四天王寺わつか市 毎月第1日曜日開催

\ You can find honey from our bees here! /


#UrbanBeekeeping #RawHoney #Osaka #Bees